Complement Naive Bayes Classifier


The Complement Naive Bayes (ComplementNB) classifier is a variant of the Naive Bayes algorithm that specifically tackles the issue of class imbalance in classification tasks. It is designed to handle imbalanced datasets by considering the complement of each class during the probability estimation process. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of the ComplementNB classifier, presenting the information in an accessible manner for students, college-goers, and researchers.

What is Complement Naive Bayes Classifier?

The Complement Naive Bayes (ComplementNB) classifier is a supervised machine learning algorithm used for classification tasks, particularly when dealing with imbalanced datasets. It is an extension of the Naive Bayes algorithm that takes into account the complement of each class during probability estimation.

Bayes' Theorem and Naive Bayes Assumption

Bayes' theorem describes the probability of an event based on prior knowledge. The Naive Bayes assumption assumes that the features are conditionally independent given the class label, simplifying the modeling process.

How Does ComplementNB Classifier Work?

a. Probability Estimation:

ComplementNB estimates the probabilities of feature occurrences for each class label based on the training data, similar to traditional Naive Bayes. However, it considers the complement of each class when computing probabilities.

b. Complement of Classes:

ComplementNB takes into account the differences between the minority and majority classes by considering the complement of each class during probability estimation. This helps to address the issue of class imbalance and provide more accurate predictions.

c. Posterior Probability and Decision Rule:

Using Bayes' theorem, ComplementNB calculates the posterior probability of each class given the observed feature occurrences, taking the class complements into account. The decision rule assigns the class label with the highest posterior probability as the predicted class for a given instance.

Training and Prediction with ComplementNB Classifier

To train a ComplementNB classifier, the algorithm estimates the class prior probabilities and the feature probabilities for each class label, considering the class comple ments. During prediction, the algorithm computes the posterior probabilities and assigns the class label with the highest probability.

Evaluating ComplementNB Classifier

The performance of the ComplementNB classifier can be evaluated using various metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. These metrics measure the classifier's ability to correctly classify instances from different classes, considering the class imbalance.

Advantages and Limitations of ComplementNB Classifier


  • Effectively handles class imbalance in classification tasks
  • Performs well when the minority class is poorly represented
  • Simple and computationally efficient
  • Retains the advantages of the Naive Bayes algorithm
  • Suitable for large-scale and high-dimensional datasets


  • Assumes that features are conditionally independent (Naive Bayes assumption)
  • May not perform as well on balanced datasets compared to other algorithms
  • Sensitivity to noise or irrelevant features
  • Requires careful handling of highly imbalanced datasets with extremely skewed class distributions


The Complement Naive Bayes (ComplementNB) classifier is a valuable algorithm for tackling class imbalance in classification tasks. By considering the complement of each class during probability estimation, ComplementNB addresses the challenges posed by imbalanced datasets. Students, college-goers, and researchers can leverage the power of ComplementNB to improve classification performance in scenarios with imbalanced classes.